So I was happily starting my day, brewing my morning coffee and signing in in social networking sites when I saw IT. I was browsing posts after posts from friends and there it was. In plain view and impossible to ignore, baby pictures... my ex's. Yeah I know I'm over him but when I saw from whose album those pictures belong to, I felt...weird. I have known all along that his partner is pregnant but I guess I never expected to see the baby, one very ordinary day. I just have not imagined seeing the baby this soon. Well, I know that it's not because I am still bitter over what happened to our relationship but maybe it's because... fuck. Okay. It is because I am nowhere close to being single and fabulous; and yet he has already achieved his ultimate dream of having his own family, especially, having a son at that. So yeah, maybe I am bitter but not because we broke up but because he is doing well and I'm not. I know that this way of thinking is not acceptable but hell, what do I care. I just don't want to look like a joke, or someone to take pity of. Damn it, the main reason why I did not accept his request to be one of my friends in these social networking sites is exactly because of situations like this. And yet, having mutual friends, I cannot really escape the ugly reality, can I?

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